Your partnership and passion to see lives transformed for generations makes all the work we do more than a beautiful moment. Passion-fueled purpose creates an unstoppable movement. Will you join the movement? Together we can bring lasting change; hope for generations.
Southern Asia contains arsenic-rich soil that inflicts death and diseases on many families. Drilling clean water wells not only provides sustainable clean drinking water, but also acts as a catalyst to share the gospel with local Muslims in rural communities.
Over 40 community representatives from 11 different countries are being mentored to implement holistic farming in rural areas where poverty and illegal alcohol brewing consume the lives of women and families. Partnered with Empowering Lives, the implementation of life skills training is transforming entire communities and planting seeds with the hope of the gospel.
There are an estimated 773 million adults and youth illiterate worldwide (UNESCO, 2020). Our literacy and life skills program seeks to open the world’s most widely read book, the Bible, and other functional texts to new readers around the world. Through local churches that are associated with the Village Church Planting program of One Mission Society we offer free literacy tutoring in fourteen countries.
Join us at an upcoming Gala or take part in an engagement trip. Click below to learn more about each trip or event.
Join us for a special evening to learn more about Mercy and how you can get involved! We will be serving dinner followed by guest speakers and a dessert auction.
Location: Willamette Heritage Center 1313 Mill Street SE, Suite 200 Salem, OR 97301 Date: March 6th, 2025 Time: 6:00 – 8:00 PM Details: Dessert Dash, Catering Provided
Keep up to date on everything Mercy, on our impact, our outreach, and your opportunity to join us in prayer or in person.
The mission of Mercy is to transform lives caught in the cycle of physical, spiritual, and relational poverty. We do this through acts of compassion and the power of the Gospel. Empowered by your generosity, we work with partners and local churches around the globe to provide clean water, food security, children’s education, health, literacy, and life skills, and the hope of the Gospel.