Business as Mission

Business as Mission with Mercy

Mercy desires to fund compelling, innovative business initiatives that connect markets, create jobs, and expand community resources for greater Kingdom impact. Mercy explores initiatives to launch businesses that have life changing potential.

“Business as Mission is about real, viable, sustainable and profitable businesses; with a Kingdom of God purpose, perspective and impact; leading to a transformation of people and societies spiritually, economically and socially – to the greater glory of God.”
– Mats Tunehag

4GARB Overview

4GARB is strategically aligned with an overseas missions’ partner who has a desire to share the Gospel and provide jobs for individuals who are living in the margins and are at high risk. 4GARB is a Mercy Inc. for profit benefit company that serves as a clothing distributor by being the connector between our partner’s clothing manufacturing and a US retailer.


The profits generated by 4GARB help to enhance the ministry effectiveness of our partner. The revenue generated also enables Mercy to provide additional compassion project funds back into the region to help communities that are living below the poverty line in tangible and life-giving ways.

Mercy Shops

Mercy Shops is a collaborative partnership with women living in marginalized communities to sell products that are made by them, sourced from around the world.


Life Giving Training

This is a sustainable livestock project. The cows and the chickens will provide eggs and milk for the children’s homes in Southern Asia. It will also be a source of ongoing income as they breed the livestock to sell the eggs and milk to the local community creating enough income to sustain the animals and feed the children.


Developing partnerships to provide training and business skills so those living under the poverty line can learn a new form of income. The goal is to help them build local, sustainable business with the goal to merchandise their products.


Helping to develop an existing coffee production area to create new jobs and sell products locally within Kenya as well as in the US and global market. This project would not only bring jobs, stability, and revenue to families in rural Kenya, it would also generate income for Mercy.