Discipleship & Evangelism

Making disciples

Over 41% of the world’s population live without an opportunity to hear the hope of Jesus Christ. Mercy is committed to sharing the hope of Christ to all peoples and generations. This is accomplished through the aid we provide and through building lasting relationships through genuine disciple-making opportunities.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Matthew 28:19


South Asia

In South Asia, we install 300 wells a year with our regional partner. These wells open the door for us to distribute over 50,000 Bibles in Muslim schools, villages, and the Rohingya Refugee camp. The evangelistic reach and impact as a result of these wells is profound.

Each well that is installed opens the door for the Gospel to be shared with approximately 105,000 Bangladeshi people. In the past few years over 5000 wells have been drilled which has resulted in reaching approximately 1,750,000 people with the Gospel. How incredible, God is so good!

Kenya, Empowering Lives International

Hundreds of families hear the good news of the Gospel through the Agriculture training at Empowering Lives International. It has helped many marginalized families move from extreme poverty into thriving and flourishing farmers who can provide school fees and food through their God honoring income. Many of these families have gone from making 30 cents a day to $3 a day and they give all the glory of their new life to Jesus!


In the last three years we have seen the Gospel spread in Kenya in miraculous ways through our partnership with Empowering Lives International and their Agriculture training program. This program has been the catalyst for over 3,500 women to hear the gospel while they learn essential farming skills that empower them to leave their former lives of illegal brewing, and for their lives to be transformed by the Gospel! This is a movement that is spreading like wildfire and these women are called Women of Change. The Women of Change are empowered evangelists and are eagerly and faithfully sharing this transformative Gospel with every single woman and neighbor they know! People are seeing and hearing the transformation of their neighbors and are asking for the same skills and the same Jesus who has made each of these women new.

Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali, Senegal, and The Central African Republic


Our Literacy and Life skills training gives adults in entire communities the opportunity to learn to read in their own language. As these people learn to read, they are also introduced to the Bible – the Gospel. This is truly what transforms these individuals, families, and communities – yes, they can read, but Jesus is what changes their lives forever.


Mercy’s Spiritual Mission

We are committed to sharing God’s Word, praying, and walking through life with every person God entrusts to our team. Whether that be a donor, a partner on the field or a beneficiary – it is a part of our culture at Mercy to disciple, to encourage, and to love.

We don’t only make disciples; we make disciple-makers. We don’t only teach students; we raise up teachers. We don’t only feed the hungry; we empower those living in extreme poverty to sustainably grow their own food. Our goal is not to only make a difference today but to build sustainability in communities through the empowerment of others in ways that transform communities for generations.


South Asia

Twice a year Mercy provides mentorship and training to 300 pastors and teachers of the underground church in South Asia. This training disciples the pastors in how to read, understand and share God’s Word. It is a meaningful time of prayer, fellowship, accountability, and encouragement. These pastor’s will reach 1,650 people with the gospel this year! Their goal is to plant 3,000 more churches by 2027! 

Mercy has had the incredible honor and opportunity to do VBS’ in the children’s homes. Where we get to share the gospel and ongoingly disciple approximately 100 girls and 98 boys who have been abandoned by their families as refugees or brought to our partner from the brothel. These children’s hearts are fertile soil! Many of them love Jesus and are eager to grow in their faith and their understanding of scripture. It is our goal to do at least one VBS a year with them and to encourage, mentor and disciple the staff that cares for them so that together all of them can continue to grow!

Kenya, Empowering Lives International

Our team is honored and passionate about mentoring, encouraging, and caring deeply for the leaders within our partner organizations. This has only deepened our connection to the amazing work we fund, the leaders we serve, and the beneficiaries too.

We recruit and provide teachers and trainers for workshops and retreats. These moments have grown trust, deep rooted relationships and powerful faith building moments as we learn and grow together in the presence of the Lord.

Our staff provides spiritual discipleship, business mentorship, leadership encouragement, accountability, emotional and spiritual support, encouragement, trauma care training, and agricultural mentorship on a regular basis to those God has entrusted to our team to care for, train and teach.